Social Studies Content Vocabulary

The following terms are used throughout the social studies department in nearly all classes. PLEASE be familiar with them.

  1. Authoritarianism
  2. Autocracy
  3. Capital
  4. Capitalism
  5. Colonialism
  6. Colony
  7. Communism
  8. Confederacy
  9. Conservative
  10. Constitution
  11. Democracy
  12. Dictator
  13. Enlightenment
  14. Fascism
  15. Federalism
  16. Globalism
  17. Imperialism
  18. Isolationism
  19. Laissez faire
  20. Liberal
  21. Left
  22. Militarism
  23. Monarchy
  24. Nationalism
  25. Republic
  26. Right
  27. Socialism
  28. Totalitarianism
  29. Welfare
  30. Welfare state
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