Morse High School
School Site Council (SSC) Minutes
September 9, 2014
Members Present: E. Alhgren, Y. Black, C. Martinez, M. Gendron,A. Green, L. Sanchez, J. Orona,
Students Present: Esmeralda Campos-Benitez
Ex. Officios: Harry Shelton, Principal; William Laine, Vice Principal
The meeting was called to order by the chair, Mr.Gendron, at 5:01 p.m. Mr. Chair said wehave two sets of Minutes to look over; one set is the General Minutes, theother is the Emergency Minutes. Mr.Shelton made the motion to approve the Minutes. Rockett seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Parent Report (Orona):
1. Setting upWorkshops
2. Principal'sCoffee: 10-3-14 at 8:00 a.m. in parentroom B-1
Principal Report (Shelton):
Copies of the budget were given to the committee and reviewed by Mr.Shelton.
Budgets reviewed included discussion of the following:
Parent Involvement: $6,917
Title I Supplies: $34,000
Title I Conferences: $4,000
Discretionary Conferences: $2,000
Mr. Shelton explained that Morse has been a part of NCUST and wouldlike Morse to continue as a member. Themembership fee includes free conference participation. He gave an overview of the NCUST Conference. Last year Ms. Ahlgren, Ms. Matthews, Mr.Salunga and Mrs. Calcaterra attended the conference.
Mrs. Black questioned "How can this conference/program help thekids?" Mr. Shelton explained. Mrs. Black said, "I would like to know how thekids fit in? I understand the staff'spart." Mr. Shelton explained he thought itwould be helpful if our teachers are involved with other schools with improvinginstructional practices. He went on toexplain that due to previous participation, our achievement gap has beenclosing. The Dean at San Diego StateUniversity (SDSU) will assist with this program.
The Chair askedfor a motion. Ms. Ahlgren made the motionto transfer $2,000 in Title One Resource 30100 from Account 5209 to Account5801. Mrs. Martinez seconded. The motion carried.
FROM: Conference Local - 035230100 00 5209 1000 1110 01000 0000
TO: Consultants - 035230100 00 5801 2100 0000 01000 0000
Mrs. Black made the motion to transfer $13,420.06 in Title IResource 30100 from Account 1201 to Account 4301. Seconded by Mr. Rockett. The motion carried.
FROM: LibrarianSalary - 0352 30100 00 1201 2420 0000 0100 0000
TO: InstructionalSupplies - 0352 30100 00 4301 1000 1110 0100 0000
Explained the results and discussed targeted groups. Hispanics & African Americans did verywell.
DAC Report (Gendron &Green):
The DAC Committee has made its Master Calendar for the year.
SPSA: The Exec. Board wouldlike to change the date to turn in for the school year.
The Nominating Committee:
J. Orona
M. Gendron
R. Rockett
Y. Black
ELAC Report (Mrs. Martinez)
Round Table: nothing
The meeting was adjourned @ 6:01 p.m.
The next meeting will be October 7, 2014
Respectfully submitted,
Helen A Green
Lourdes Sanchez
Assistant Secretary
Mark Gendron
SSC Chair Person
H. Shelton