Morse High School
School Site Council(SSC) Minutes
January 6, 2015
Members Present: E. Ahlgren, Y. Black,M. Gendron, H. Green, G. Guilas, M. Irby, J. Orona, R. Rockett,
Staff/Classified: N. Natanauan
Students Present: None
Ex. Officios: Harry Shelton,Principal; William Laine, Vice Principal
The Chairwelcomed everyone. The meeting was called to order by the Chair @ 5:02 PM.Minutes were approved: Black / Orona
Parent Report J. (Orona):
HolidayParty - went well and more parents attended this year than last year
Thisweekend (Cal. Soap) Financial Workshops
FAFSA& Dream Act Workshops:
Saturday, January 24,2015
Lincoln High School
San Ysidro High School
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Monte Vista High School
Bayview Baptist Church
San Diego High School
Saturday, February 7,2015
Serra High School
El Camino High School
Montgomery High School
Saturday, February 21,2015
El Cajon High School
Hoover High School
Chula Vista High School
Saturday, February 28,2015
Orange Glen High School
Mission Bay High School
Eastlake High School
Principal Report (Shelton):
Mr.Shelton went over the following budgets: 30100 and 30106. Amount available for supplies in account 4301 is$19,500.43.
30103 -Ms. Orona works within this Budget.
DAC Report (Green):
HolidayParty, no business was discussed.
Since Mrs.Martinez has transferred, it is the responsibility of the School Site Councilmembers & the principal to fill that position.
ELAC: MorseHigh Principal will have someone attend meetings. Dates to be determined.
Fall Semester Final Exams Schedule discussed by Mr.Shelton:
Wednesday January 21,2015
Thursday January 22,2015
Friday January 23, 2015
Round Table:
Mr.Rockett asked about construction that's going on around campus. Mr. Sheltonreplied. Many ideas were discussed aboutthe construction. After many questions, Mr. Shelton and Mr. Laine said that hispoints were well taken.
Public Comment: Mr. Laine
Themeeting was adjourned @ 5:36 PM
Helen A.Green
SSC ChairPerson
The nextSSC meeting will be held in the Morse Library February 3, 2015.