Morse High School
School Site Council (SSC) Minutes
May 5, 2015
Member Present: Y. Black, H. Green, M. Irby, L. Sanchez, H. SheltonR. Rockett, J .Orona
Members Absent: E. Ahlgren , E. Campos-Benitez (student), G. Guilas , M.Gendron
Jorge Leos (student), Caroline Siegel-Singh (student),
Called to order @ 5:04 pm. Minuteswere approved. Y. Black/J. Orona
Parent Report: Mrs. Orona is working in putting together packets thatwill be going to students households in August.
Principal's Report:
Principal review 204-2015school budget. We have spent most of the monies that we are accounted for thisyear.
The Site Plan for StudentAchievement need to be reviewed in SSC June's meeting.
We will review SSC By laws inJune's meeting.
We had a Luncheon for facultyin appreciation of teachers' efforts. Morse received a 3 year review by WASC.Our next WASC formal evaluation will be 2018.