Morse High School
School Site Council Meeting
S. S. C.
JUNE 6, 2017
Member present: Black, Y., Gendron, M., Green, H.,
Guilas, G., Sanchez, L., Rockett, R., Natanauan, N.
Members absent: Orano, J., Irby, M.
Students present: None
Guest present: Rasheddah Rashah: Wellness Coordinator
Ex-Officios present:
Dr. Harry Shelton, Principal
William Laine, Vice Principal
The meeting was called to order @ 4:00 P. M. by the Chair. We had a quorum. Mr. Gendron asked the council to read the Minutes for approval. Minutes were approved as written. Shelton/Rockett
Principal's report: Dr. Shelton
Dr. Shelton went over the budget very thoroughly & cleared up all questions & concerns. Dr. Shelton made it clear that all negatives will be taken care of by the Budget office. Because this is our last meeting until September, the Council agreed to give Dr. Shelton permission to clear up or move funds as necessary. Mr. Chair said that we need a motion for the budget to be worked on during the summer. Here is the motion.
Motion: I move that we award Dr. Shelton permission to transfer funds from one budget account of Title One to another without the SSC Council reconvening during the summer for balancing purposes.
Motion was approved. Green/Black
Parent report: Orano, Joyce
Morse Cluster Meeting: wednes 6/7/2017 at Bell Middle
School in the library.
PTSA annual swap meet: Saturday November 4, 2017.
SSC/PTSA Holiday Celebration: Thursday December 7, 2017.
Coffee with the principal & counselors. Our new principal, Dr. Cynthia Larkin stopped by to meet & greet.
District Advisory Council (DAC)
End of the year party. Morse won a book for perfect attendance.
MNs. Rashada, our guest explained the new Wellness Center that will open in the Fall of 2017. (We hope!)
Look for brochures in the future.
Round table:
Sanchez, L. Nothing
Rockett, R. Where is summer school?
Laine: Thanked everyone for working together & putting our students first.
Dr. Shelton Nothing
Rashada: email address: [email protected]
Black: nothing
Green: nothing
Meeting was adjourned @ 4:45 P. M.
Our next meeting will be September 5, 2017.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen A. GreenSecretary
L. SanchezAssist Secretary
Mark GendronChair person
Dr. Harry SheltonPrincipal