Work Permits


All minors under the age of 18 (including minors employed by parents) must have a work permit. Minors who have high school diplomas, have passed state proficiency examination, or are performing specific types of work are exempt from this requirement.

Minors must meet mandatory school academic requirements and attendance laws in order to obtain work permits. Schools have the legal right to restrict or reduce the type of employment and/pr hours of work if evidence is shown that the schoolwork or health of a minor is being impaired by employment.


  1. Students must have already applied, interviewed, and been offered employment before requesting a work permit.

  2. Once a student has been offered a job, they need to come to the counseling center and ask Ms. Laura (our Guidance Assistant) for the request for work permit paperwork (aka - “Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit”).

  3. Once the request for a work permit is completed and signed by all parties (student, parent/guardian, and employer), return the form to Ms. Laura Baca at the Counseling Center. It is important to note that all sections of the form MUST be completed; including the student’s social security number. 

  4. The request is then given to Ms. Ridge for academic validation and processing. This process can take 3 days to a week or so (depending on the time of year, etc.). Students may check-in with Ms. Laura Baca before school, at lunchtime, or after school for the status of their submitted paperwork.

  5. Once the work permit has been approved and sealed, student’s may collect them from Ms. Laura in the Counseling Office.

Please take note that all work permits will be subject to review and to be revoked if the academic status of the student falls below the mandated 2.0 GPA. 


Ages 16-17

School in Session

  • 4 hours maximum per day Monday-Thursday

  • 8 hours maximum per day Friday-Sunday

  • 32 total hours per week

  • 5 AM to 10 PM

  • 5 AM to 12:30AM if no school next day

School in Session

Student Enrolled in Work Experience Education

  • 8 hours maximum per day

  • 48 total hours per week

  • 5 AM to 12:30 AM any day of the week


  • 8 hours maximum per day

  • 48 total hours per week

  • 5 AM to 12:30 AM any day of the week

Ages 14-15

School in Session

  • 3 hours maximum per day Mon.-Fri.

  • 8 hours maximum per day Sat.-Sun.

  • 18 total hours per week

  • 7 AM to 7 AM


  • 8 hours maximum per day

  • 40 total hours per week

  • 7AM to 7 AM any day of the week (summer hours 6/1 through Labor Day 7 AM to 9 PM)

Ages 12-13

All Year

  • Prohibited in firms subject to Fair Labor Standards Act. For further information call:
    Federal Wage & Hour Office
    (619) 557-5110

Under Age 12

  • Prohibited except in entertainment industry. For entertainment work permits contact:
    State Industrial Welfare Commissioner's Office
    (619) 220-5451


  • In most cases, a minor must be paid the minimum wage

  • If an employee works a split shift, he/she must be paid one extra hour at the minimum wage

  • If an employee reports to work but is not given work and is sent home, the employee is owed a minimum of 2 hours of pay

  • If an employee is asked not to clock in, the employee is free to leave and cannot be required to wait without being paid as he/she is under the direction and control of the employer

Prohibited Employment

Hazardous Occupations for All Minors - Federal Law

The Federal Government, under the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA), has listed Hazardous Occupations in which minors under the age of 18 years are prohibited from working.

  • Motor vehicle driving on public roads (This does not prohibit a minor from driving on private property e.g. auto dealer lot)

  • Power-driven woodworking machines

  • Exposure to radioactive substances

  • Power-driven hoisting apparatus (Includes automobile hoist, lift truck, fork lift, elevator, crane, derrick, bobcat, etc.)

  • Power-driven metal-forming, punching, & shearing machines (Includes rolling machines, pressing or punching machines, bending machines, etc.)

  • Power-driven bakery machines (Includes dough mixer, batter mixer, bread divider, molding machine, bread slicing and wrapping, cookie or cracker machine.)

  • Power-driven paper-products machines (Includes paper bailers, box crushers, etc.)

  • Power-driven circular saws, band saws, & guillotine shears

  • Roofing operations

  • Excavation operations

  • For a complete list, contact the Federal Wage & Hour Office at (619) 557-5110

Minors Under 18 Years of Age

  • Selling or serving alcoholic beverages

  • Building or construction work of any kind

  • Delivering goods from motor vehicles

  • In the vicinity of moving machinery

  • Hazardous occupations

  • Operating an auto or truck

  • In the vicinity of explosives

Hazardous Occupations for Minors Under 16 Years of Age - California Law

  • In or about a gasoline service station except as cashiers, clerical workers, or merchandise labelers

  • Public messenger service

  • In or about dangerous equipment & power driven machinery, aircraft, or vessels

  • Selling to passing motorists: newspapers, candy, flowers, or other merchandise or commodities

  • Selling door-to-door unless the following conditions are met:

    1. Minors work in pairs as team

    2. One adult supervisor for ten or fewer minors

    3. Within sight or sound of supervisor once every 15 minutes

    4. Returned to home or rendezvous point daily

    5. Employer has complied with IWC registration requirements

Morse High School Counseling Office Contact Information | Work Permits 

Morse High School

6905 Skyline Drive

San Diego, CA 92114

Guidance Assistant | Mrs. Laura Baca | 619-510-4700 ext.3039 | [email protected] 

School Resource Counselor | Ms. Ridge | 619-510-4700 ext. 3032 | [email protected]
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