SSC Minutes October 7, 2015



OCTOBER 7, 2015

Members present: Green, H., Gendron, M., Guilas, G., Orano, J., Sanchez, L., Rockett, R., Irby, M.

The meeting was called to order by our chair, Mr. Gendron @ 17:05. The Chair asked for the Council to read the Minutes for approval, additons, or deletions. Ms. Green had one correction. She wanted it noted that she was teaching CRASH and was absent legally. The minutes were corrected and approved. Shelton/Rockett

Last Friday: Coffee with the principal went very well. The counselors will be joining the group.

We have a new Parent Resource Center (M101). Please come by and visit.

Time change: The SSC will meet @ 4:00 P. M. The time change was discussed at great length. it was motioned and approved. Guilas/Shelton The motion carried.

Mr. Shelton's report:

We began with $393,021.00

$123,622.48 has been allocated

10% has been allocated for teachers' P. D.

Mr. Laine: Site Emergency Plan (Public Document)Mr. Laine discussed the plan at great length and was pleased

that the earthquake drill went well. Mr. Laine explained the Lock down. "We must have a Plan in place at all times."

"Kudos to staff and students."

DAC Report: Green/Shelton

Dr. Shelton discussed that there are funds that will be available. At least that is what he and Ms. Green have been told. There is a wish list that Dr. Shelton, Green, Gendron & Orano will be working on to get to Amy Redding by November 20, 2015.

Round table:

Guilas: Please become a PTSA member.

Public comment"

The meeting was adjourned @ 5:56 P. M.

Respectfully submitted,

Helen A. Green

SSC Secretary

Mark Gendron

Chair Person

Dr. Harry Shelton


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